I'll be recording the audio version of the "failgivers, volume one" book this week....my best friend, and only true partner in musical crime, brian izzi, will be providing background music and noise on selected parts.
I'll have more info soon, but i'll be handwriting 100 copies of the book in a hardcover version....they'll have hand painted covers.
yeah, really....handwritten. Not that i think this will be anyone's favorite book ever, but i thought of how intimate and rare it would be to have the opportunity to own a piece of written work that has been literally transformed into a piece of art.
maybe 2 people will buy it...maybe all 100 will sell...i'm not too concerned....it's more something i'm doing for myself.
volume one was started in march of 2006, and was finished in august.
So, to keep the timeline patterned, i'll begin volume two in march of 2007.