Thursday, March 3, 2011

0303.11....oh looky

It has been a long time since I've put anything up on here, seeing as I've spent a majority of my time keeping the Trap Them blog updated.
Summary of the last few months: Complete lack of motivation to do the things I've wanted to do, which is run and work out and feel healthy.
My sleeping schedule is utterly decimated.
But I am enjoying myself to some extent. Netflix instant queue has kept me sane and has allowed me many hours of viewing enjoyment.
I leave for tour in a day and a half and am not prepared. Cool. I'm looking forward to possibly forcing myself out of laziness, and the tour itself should be a good time. I am lowballing on betting that I will get in at least two fights with drunken fuckheads at SXSW in Austin.

Reading pleasures:
The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea by Yukio Mishima
Vicious Circle by Mike Carey
The Tracey Morgan autobiography sucked
There was a few more that I've read, but my mind is blank.

Audio pleasures:
Lautstormer - s/t
Moutheater - Colonial 12"
new Ilsa LP
Vaccine - all
Mogwai - Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will
Tear it Up - Nothing to Nothing
OFF! - first four EPs