Friday, August 31, 2007


i'm watching a film with what has to be THE worst subtitles i've ever encountered....unreadable by any means.

....yet, i keep the film on.

i'll be away / on the road for about 9+ weeks starting 14 days from today....if anyone out there actually reads these things, come out and we'll talk....
if i seem antisocial, MAKE me talk.
human interaction is good....i just need to get better at it.

i get to be on tour with bands i truly, truly enjoy....not just ones that i feel i may have a good time with, but bands that have songs that have, at one time or another, been stuck in my head for days on end.
unfortunately, i'm willing to bet there a lot of people that take shit like this for granted.....i guess i have no choice but to be appreciative, considering i spent years playing shows to no one in the middle of nowhere.....make no mistake, though....i still loved every second of it.

fuck it...i'm restless.
i've always been restless.
my leg twitches 24 hours a day like i should be doing something....and that something i should be doing is exactly what i plan on doing for the next few years.

i make no money,
i have almost no teeth,
i have almost no big dreams.....except maybe to sustain a living off of the art i live and breathe.

i keeep telling my back and my legs to give me another 5 years, and once that passes by, they can break down like i know they will.

i turn 30 in less than a month.....goddamn i feel young.

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