Above is a picture of me from a year and a half ago. I had a box of 38 vegan donuts. It was a magical couple of hours.
I broke my phone.
Well, not really. Wait....yes, I did. But, it was the result of my tazmanian devil of a rat terrier, who thoroughly enjoys running between my legs when I walk around the house. One quick dash from his skinny getaway sticks caused him to dart underneath me, which , in turn, caused me to trip, drop my phone and consequently step on it.
Because of this, I am now part of the iphone generation. I am partially disgusted with myself for submitting so easily. The other part of me is proud to know I was willing to join modern technology and accept it. The iphone is.....pretty fun, to be honest.
I have found it very, very entertaining. I got drunk and got a twitter account ( I will not tell you what my name is on there....my mother occasionally reads this, and, mom...you don't need to know how much shit I talk when I'm drunk. I'm doing this for your benefit...)
I have eliminated any way to contact me on the internets besides my email address. I have no online connection anymore, and I find it exhilaratingly liberating.
That's enough about the iphone.
I went outside and sat on my front steps this morning, breathing in deeply. Fall is almost here. That magical time where nature rubs my belly and I wag my leg uncontrollably like a dog. That beautiful scent of leaves dying, of crisp, cool air filling my lungs. The only thing better than knowing fall is coming, is knowing that I'll be on tour during my favorite season. Not just any tour, mind you.....a tour that will be FUN. A tour where everyone in the van is fucking awesome. Oh, by the way....we fired another drummer. He sucked. Bad. He will be talked about forever....that's how epically bad he sucked.
Anyways, back to the tour. I can't say who our new drummer is. All I can say is that he is one of the best dudes I've ever met, and he's an absolutely amazing drummer. I hope this works out. Shit, after six drummers in the last two and a half years, I'd almost sacrifice a couple fingers to make sure of it.
The tour is stacked. The Black Dahlia Murder, Skeletonwitch and Toxic Holocaust. Basically, it's a big party. It's a bunch of great guys all on tour together. I seriously want to do nothing but go insane for the month long trek. Toxic tea for everyone.
I fly back east in two weeks to do the vocals for our new EP, which should be out before the end of the year. The plans have changed. Three new songs, one remake of an old song, and one cover that will be very kvlt and unexpected. I'd never heard the song before Brian sent it to me.....mostly because I'm not a metal dude. I can say, however, it's a punk as fuck cover and it will be really, really fun.
Lyric writing for the next full length is in full swing. I kind of feel like I dug my own grave by making Seizures... so extensive. The next LP will follow the formula.....three sets of lyrics, etc. It is going to be thematically, very heavy and very, very dark. I don't really feel there's any other option. When you create a fictional ghost town, you can't really make anything very positive. I have about six songs done so far, which, when I look at the length of each piece, could easily be a double LP for most bands. The major trick with the next record is to actually convince people I'm not trying to be as pretentious as it may seem. Let's face it.....these are punk songs put through the metal grinder. I'm better than no one. What it burns down to, is that it's one hundred percent necessary to make each effort this band does absolutely devestating. You're not going to leave in impact rehashing everything that's been done a billion time before. You create art. You make it dangerous. You take risks, knowing full well that most of the collective public will not embrace it the way you do. Fuck it. Make enemies.
I just finished Neil Gaiman's "American Gods". Thank you Ryan, from VA Beach. I know it took me forever to find the time, but I'm glad I did. That novel is great. I've gone off about Roberto Bolano's "2666" many times on here....I almost feel as if Gaiman's novel could be considered a distant cousin. Epic, haunting, and beautiful.....all wrapped up into one little package.
That's it. Signing off. I need to go blow something up.