my thirst for cinematic viewing satisfaction has been quenched today.
i've probably watched this film a good dozen times or so in the last year and a half....it gets better every time. when jan and jule are on the rooftop discussing the need to never hault revolutionary actions, it's almost kleenex worthy. pretty much everything out of jan's mouth in this film is a quotable.
evening double feature:
john c. reilly as a grifter. ten thousand double crosses and twists. i eat that shit up. clooney and soderbergh co-produced it, which usually means exactly what happened after i watched this film tonight.....i say, "fuck....when are you two going to screw something up?"
not that it matters, but they earned my respect when i read they offered argento a large sum of money and complete creative control to do a film of his choice.
as i said....twists and double crosses are my bread and butter. i won't blah blah blah this one. it's a love triangle that turns into an almost memento-like thriller. great, great film.
no acrylic bliss was had today. no canvas was sitting under a ray of light with sirens calling out my name.
instead, i went grocery shopping. this would, for most people, be a pretty straight forward affair, but i somehow turned spending thirty dollars on necessities into a four hour marathon.
no, i did not purchase all my items at seperate stores....just one store.
i had decided that there must be a closer supermarket than the one i have been bussing / walking to, so i did some internetational investigation. lo and behold, i was to have TWO whole foods supermarkets right in my neighborhood. i took note of directions, and headed out of the apartment at noon.
sidenote: the hills.....oh, the hills. my thighs hurt as i type this.
fast forward two hours. fast forward to me still within 0.2 miles of my place, still walking and searching.
there is no whole foods.
there are places and supermarkets to get some of the things i need, but i wanted whole foods.
and i was frustrated.
unfortunately, when i get frustrated, i do stupid things. today's stupid thing was that i suddenly snapped out of my determined walk, realizing that with every step i was saying out loud "wild goose chase".
as in:
"wild" step "goose" step "chase" step
i finally gave up, and even though i could feel a blister tearing the bottom of my left foot, i decided to walk to my regular grocery store instead of just taking a bus.
i like to overwork my body so that when i finally do sit down, i just collapse.
i made sure to buy the essentials:
chocolate peanut butter
garlic hummus
and the most delicious multi purpose pita bread ever made.
multi purpose because it has, of late, been made as a morning treat grilled to perfection with natural peanut butter and a hint of chocolate chips.
i want to sell another fifty percent of my possessions for reasons that will hopefully become clear in the next few months. once i have a thought, it won't quit until i do it.....so all these plans in my head will come to fruition sooner than later, pretty much a fact.
insomnia theatre will present a night of mgm midnite movies....this was one of the best series of b-films ever released, and i bought every one. a big fuck you to sony for acquiring mgm and then ditching the series. this was something i looked forward to every year.
acrylic bliss or die. fed ex better not fuck me on this.