Friday, January 11, 2008

new dusk

as you can see below, I've finally put in some new entries.

This is my way of saying, "I've been busy and neglected are some things to make up for it."

The zine I had spoken of on here last summer is on what we call a "hiatus".
What I've done is taken some of the pieces that would have been in the zine and put them up for your reading pleasure(?).
Not that I haven't been writing, but more because all spare time in the last two months has been spent on my little book project.
Handwriting just one of these 100 page books, including the painting, etc. comes down to about fifteen hours per book.
Now, multiply that by 100 copies.

Between what I pay for the books, how much I spend on shipping them to those that purchase a copy and the supplies needed, I did the math the other day and I'm paying myself about $4.25 an hour to make these.
To make matters more interesting, I had an obnoxious outburst by myself two weeks ago where I punched a beureau with, of course, my writing hand....I'm brilliant like that.
Now, every time I take a pause from putting utensil to book, my right pinkie finger will not uncramp and uncurl.

I spent most of the holiday season with my head down in those books, planted on my fouton / bed, listening to made for television christmas movies. I love that time of year. Everyone seems busy and stressed, happy and on the go. Just because I have depression flowing through these veins doesn't mean I'm hoping the rest feel the same way...I wouldn't wish that on most.

Sometimes it was four hours a day.
Sometimes it was fifteen.

This is also what they call a "labor of love".

I've also had time to read some books,

I had the pleasure of being present here in Seattle at one of Eugene Robinson's spoken word dates to promote his new book, where he spent forty five minutes captivating every muscle in my body. The man can tell a tale...

I've done only a small amount of painting since december....more on that in the weeks to come.

And, last of the updates, Trap Them will be on tour(s) very soon. Early march to be exact.
One will be on the east coast for eleven days, followed directly by a trip overseas for three weeks and then will be followed up five days later back here in these united states on the west coast....more to come on that one very soon. I'd like to get excited and spill the beans, but I can't until it's all set.

This will be followed by exactly one month off.....and then, the big one:


thank you for reading these.

and, for fuck's a copy of the book.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Notebook, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.