Saturday, January 10, 2009


holy shit!
two updates in a week?
You know what that means, right? probably won't hear from me again until September.

Moving on....

I have started 2009 with some pretty awesome reads. Among them:

Just After Sunset by Stephen King - shocker, I know. I don't need to say much. It's just really, really good. More short stories to tide me over until this next novel (tentatively titled Under The Dome I believe...) blows my goddamned mind. He's already gone on record as saying it's his longest novel and that it's one of the darkest stories he's ever written. I guess he's tried to write it twice so far, but it hasn't come out as brutal as he wanted until now.

The Alcoholic by Jonathan Ames - graphic novel. Depressing as all hell, but one of the best reads out there. Do yourself a favor and get this.

and, last but not least, I broke down and started reading the Harry Potter books. I put this off for so long. I, for some reason, really didn't want to like them. After the first twenty pages of the first book, I had to literally put the book down, take a big breath and mutter to myself, "Shit...this is really good." What can I say? Well, I'll wait to say it once I've read the other six volumes.

I was also given a novel titled 2666 from the author Roberto Bolano by our good friends John and Darci. I had read about the book, but never got a chance to buy it. At nine hundred pages, it may take a while to get through, but the plot is so insane, I can't wait to start it.

That's enough book nerd talk. Besides, I can't hang with the big guns. I like crime fiction and fantasy and horror novels. I don't spend much time with all the authors you can name drop at social gatherings.

Mickey Rourke's performance in "The Wrestler" should give him an Oscar, but it won't happen. This movie killed me in the best of ways.


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