Monday, September 27, 2010

28.09.10......details by the mouthful

I was thinking of writing this long, epic post on all kinds of trivial matters, but the part of my brain residing in the "better judgement" county took a vote, and "nay" won. I think they made the right decision.

Instead, you get this:
I didn't listen to too much new music while recording, for obvious reasons.
This was what I can remember:

Massive Attack - Mezanine
New Bomb Turks - Destroy! Oh Boy!
Adele - 19
Scanners - Violence is Golden
The first four Public Enemy albums
Swans - My Father...
The Sounds - Crossing the Rubicon
Milemarker - Satanic Versus
Gehenna - all
GDP - Realistic Expectations


The thrift store next to Godcity had books for two bucks....I scored big with a few novels I'd wanted to read. A first printing of Lehaine's "Mystic River" for two dollars? Yes, please.

Sweetheart by Chelsea Cain - The 2nd book in her series about one of the most unorthodox serial killers in a fictional world. The first book, "Heartsick", was a good, quick read. This one upped the ante and was very smartly done. Highly recommended.

No Trace by Barry Maitland - Child abduction, murder and modern art all rolled up into one little package set in London's Northcote Square. It gets a little confusing at times, but the end result is worth it, especially if you find it for a buck, like I did. That equals out to about thirteen cents per hour of entertainment.

33&1/3 series: Beastie Boys' Paul's Boutique by Dan LeRoy - I'll dive into this deeper on the other blog, but I'll just say it's a fantastic and quick read. A little over 100 pages dedicated to a criminally underrated album.

And it Don't Stop: The Best American Hip-Hop Journalism of the Last 25 Years by Raquel Cepeda - same with this one.....more info when I get around to it. I will say, the article on Afrika Bambaataa alone made this worth reading.

Currently: almost finished with Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman. It is so goddamn good. This guy needs to hurry up and write another novel. His storytelling is incredible.

Next: The Descent by Jeff Long (courtesy of Tim's generous hand-me-downings)

Wish list:
Walking Dead graphic novels, volume 6-whatever they're up to now.
Evil at Heart by Chelsea Cain
Horns by Joe Hill
Free time to read everything,

....and for fuck's sake, Mr. King....finish Doctor Sleep. I'm dying over here....


Ryan Aircraft said...

You have the "American Vampire" trade yet? If not, don't get it yet (nah'mean?).

Also - what'd you think of the Dark Tower graphic novels? After reading the first three arcs/trades my wife bought the entire series and the better portion of the man's career in about two weeks. I was pretty impressed.

rjm said...

Shit! I totally forgot about it! I'm sure it's brilliant.
I thought the Dark Tower series was's like the coolest version of cliff notes ever. I cannot wait to see this series on the big and small screen. Mindblowing.